The complete solution for the portable Raman and FTIR use under field conditions:
The Field Spectroscopy Kit is built upon the experience from the critical international missions in Syria, Iraq and Lybia. It comes as the field ready solution that enables :
• Hands-free carrying of portable Raman and FTIR instrumentation under hazardous and non-hazardous conditions.
• Collection and manipulation of liquid and solid samples coming from loose or packaged sources.
• Optimised introduction of the samples to the on-site Raman and FTIR analysis.
• On-site and off-site transport of the samples.
A chemically resistant, leak proof secondary container is provided for on-site and off-site transport of primary containers with samples.
The container is suitable for the most of the hazardous substances, including : Flammable Liquids (Class 3) ; Flammable Solids (Class 4) ; Oxidizing Agents (Class 5) ; Peroxides (Class 5) ; Toxics (Class 6.1) ; Infectious Substances (Class 6.2) ; Some Radioactives (Class 7) ; Most Corrosives (Class 8).
Sampling tools and analytical instrument (FTIR , Raman) are field carried by the featured one-strap backpack made of waterproof and wear resistant material.
One strap backpack carrier design provides:
• Hands-free operating in potentially hazardous areas.
• Accessibility – the single strap design allows the bag to quickly swing to the front of the body for access, even when wearing PPE.
• An easy, one-click mechanism for the release of the backpack. The single operator can use the kit without the need to place it on a
potentially contaminated surface. It weighs less than a two-strap backpack, while retaining the full capacity.
Sample collection and handling tools are carefully selected, majority made of non-sparking and non-magnetic materials and disposable. The tools allow collection of solid and liquid samples and come in the sealed packages with the optional cleanliness statement for evidence collection cases.