RADSense laboratories are customized to meet various needs and concepts of operation. The laboratory features a customised mobile chassis or a 20/40 feet container. It can be used for monitoring, early warning and emergency response in urban and rural nvironments with a risk from radioactive hazards. The mobile laboratory contains a full array of particle sampling and monitoring/measuring equipment for alpha, beta and gamma emitters. All equipment inside RADSense is networked to centralise and store combined records of measurements before/after decontamination, air concentration, surface contamination, personal exposure measurement data etc.
A RADSense laboratory enables transport and maintenance of continuous air monitors, diffusion aerosol spectrometers, radioactive
iodine monitors, personal protective equipment, internal and external radiation dosimeters with the dose accounting system, surface
contamination detectors – the complete list of devices to achieve established objectives and to protect operators. The laboratory is self-sufficient, with an inbuilt power generator. It is also equipped with means for expedient and emergency decontamination.