Radioactive Sources Security Management

This Radioactive Sources Security Management course, designed by Hotzone Solutions, will introduce Nuclear Security (NS) (as defined by the IAEA), including NS Regime, Strategy, Stakeholders, State Architecture, Threat, Culture, the IAEA and Global NS architecture, and its associated activities facilities.

This course aims to support participants in managing the security of radioactive sources and defining various Radioactive Material (RM) applications in different situations. We focus on categories, criminal value, security/safety concerns, and the various incidents involving RM.

Participants will focus on the role of international organisations such as the INTERPOL and the Incident and Trafficking Data Base (ITDB).

We will examine how to assess the threats and risks concerning rms and identify appropriate security requirements for RM, based on a ‘Graded Approach’ and ‘Defence in Depth’. The course will also cover the physical NS during its different phases, including the transport, the different roles of various stakeholders (e.g., regulator, operator, etc.), the security plan and its strategic goal, the security system, and the arrangement for security response.

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